What was the biggest challenge you faced in creating your store?

So far, I just enjoyed creating this website from the ground up using an amazing theme! I should say choosing the right theme was actually most challenging part for me. I would like to come back to this question later once I play more with it and add additional apps and features ;)


What worked really well when using our platform?

Applying pre configured templates and themes almost instantly. 


What could be improved when using our platform?

I would love to have some sort of colour suggestions when I change the default colour of texts or buttons that will go nicely with other colours and styles.


How did this experience help you build empathy for our merchants?

Now I definitely better understand what merchants would see and undergo from the moment starting up their store to their day-to-day operation. As a person who has very little knowledge in starting up/running a commerce store, it took me a bit of time to understand what each term means. On the other hand, as a developer, I could understand immediately what each style or layout means or would look like. I, however, doubt that if that would be the case for a merchant who has little experience of web design or who is not familiar with online web or apps.


What is your biggest takeaway from this experience?

Knowing Shopify truly provides a great platform that is easy to start with. I think "keep it simple" is double important here. One of things I appreciated is the amount of themes and apps that are available. It was actually more than I expected, and love to see more coming!

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